Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why It's OK to Hate Your Teachers

I will go into this in more detail later, but "teachers," at least the majority of them, never became teachers for "the chilllldreeeennnnzzz"

They became teachers because at the age of 18 they knew a degree in "education" required less math and a 9 month work year was 3 months shy of a real work year.  It was ALWAYS for them, and never for the student.

Thus, when you don't behave and make their job easy, they hate you.  But to quote The Spearhead.

In other words, the teachers – overwhelmingly female – don’t like them. Nor, apparently, do a number of NY Times commenters, who say it’s just desserts for all that male oppression of the past. Yes, that’s right: little kids who were born a few years ago must pay for the imagined sins of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

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