Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Liberal Zombie Apocalypse

I do not mean to reference the movie "I Am Legend" so frequently, but there were two instances in the movie that I found applicable to what I was writing about.  The first was when he had to kill his dog (and is referenced in "Enjoy the Decline") and the second is this.

The reason for the second reference is that I like how the zombies are completely feral and lacking reason, logic or thought.  If I recall the movie correctly, Will Smith's character does develop a cure that would cure all the zombies and turn them back into humans, he even tries reasoning with them, but their brains are too far gone to even comprehend what he's saying.  They just want to kill him, even though he's their only hope.

What's funny (sad actually) is just how exactly a zombie's brain parallels that of a liberal.

The time is coming where the promises made by liberals, but paid for by the labor of others, will be broken.  The economy is already slowing and it is my prediction this trend will continue.  It may accelerate, it may slow, heck we may even grow again, but the overall trend I believe will be the trend it's been since the 1960's - declining growth.  At some point it will reach a "critical point" where no matter what leftists politicians promised their parasitic constituents, there plain won't be the money or production to honor those commitments.  This is already happening on a micro level.  Detroit is a nice municipal example and the various instances of pensions paying out only a fraction of what they promise their government employees is another.  But there will come a point where social security, medicare, medicaid, welfare, WIC, you name it, is not only going to not deliver what it promised, but SIGNIFICANTLY less.  It is only because of the benevolence (of naivety) of creditors such as the Chinese this hasn't happened already. 

Regardless, when this point in time comes you can expect the same amount of reason and rationality from enraged liberals, leftists, and parasites.  And it's for several reasons.

First, understand how weak a mind has to be in order to swallow whole the leftist ideology.  Yes, I know it's force-fed to kids in the schools, but I'm talking on a biological level.  I remember a healthy amount of disrespect and suspicion for my teachers as a child.  I didn't just believe what they said because "they were the teacher."  Many of my classmates also had this healthy distrust.  Turns out we were the smarter cadre of students in my class and I believe on a genetic level had an intelligence high enough to have some kind of immunity against brainwashing.  So I do believe right off the bat you are dealing with brains that are genetically predisposed AGAINST independent thought and intellectual honesty.

Second, of course the brainwashing.  After 13 years of K-12 education, and an additional 4-8 in college, your average 20 something is so hopelessly and purposely misinformed their entire construct or mental framework for their political ideology is not only erroneous, but so complete and so rooted in their mentality any outside attempts to introduce empirical evidence, logic, or reason is futile.  It isn't until they live LITERALLY 20 more years and the real world just plain kicks the crap out of their ideology with anecdotal experience and evidence that they even ENTERTAIN they might be wrong.  Some, like spinsters/feminists/catwomen, carry their ideology to their grave with an unenviable legacy.

Third, though this can't be said of all liberals, it can be said of (I'd estimate) 85% of them - most of them have a HUGE emotional attachment to their ideology.  The reason is simple.

What precise accomplishments and achievements in life can the average leftist point to that gives their live meaning and worth?

The answer is  - "nothing."

Your average leftist isn't curing cancer, building empires, starting an accounting career, or developing a trade.  They're "raising awareness" or "engaging communities" or "helping the children" or leading some bullshit crusade.  Whatever euphemistic titles and jargon they use to describe their "careers," in the end they're just masking the fact they're literally doing nothing with their lives.  ie-their lives are worthless and thus they are worthless people.

Since deep down inside they know they are worthless and their lives have no meaning, they put "leftism/socialism/communism" at the core of their being.  As Rush Limbaugh says, "being a liberal is the easiest thing" in that you just have to "claim" you care and vote to use OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY to finance your compassion.  Ergo, if you ever GENUINELY, INTELLIGENTLY, LOGICALLY and DISPASSIONATELY constructively criticize of question a liberal's ideology they get emotional, enraged and angry (I remember the only people who cried on my radio show were liberals).  This isn't because they really care about the poor children in Africa.  It's because you are shining light on the fact they are a worthless person who does nothing, has done nothing, will continue to do nothing, and thus waste their lives. 

The final result of such thorough brainwashing, insecurity, laziness, and a predisposition to naivety, results in a veritable zombie impervious to reason, logic and rationale.  No matter the preponderance of evidence, they simply ignore reality and retreat to their circularly referenced and supported ideology, blame the rich, blame conspiracies and (presumably to their deaths) blame "Bush."  You no doubt have ran into this where you can cite data on the internet from a reputable source, PROVING a leftist is wrong, but they (like the dismembered knight in Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail) will never admit defeat and continue to subscribe to their now-false beliefs. 

But it gets much worse than that. 

Since you (and reality) are attacking the only thing that gives them value (their ideology) they will get angry.  Worse still, once our creditors no longer renew our line of credit, the tab for their socialist hokey pokey will come due, and we won't be able to pay.  This will result in REAL cuts to social spending which will then threaten their livelihoods as a disproportionate percent of leftists are parasitic and dependent on other people.

The end result is a real zombie movie.  A post-apocalyptic economy where food, clothing and shelter are no longer being produced in quantities needed, and masses of angry, feral, irrational leftists whose pride (and shame) in their ideology prevent them from being negotiated with or reasoned with to rebuild society.  In short, I truly believe leftists are so committed to their ideology that if the economy can no longer produce the basic necessities they would resort to violence, murder, theft and mayhem if necessary.  This is of course very pessimistic of me, and a sad statement of a lack of faith in my fellow man, but if you look at how leftists don't even care about their own lives, to the point they'd ruin it by putting their ideology first and themselves second, you can't expect them to be open-minded during the coming Liberal Zombie Apocalypse. 

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