Monday, May 7, 2012

Just eat half a pizza and be done with it!

If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend an internet bop on over to Anthony Colpo's blog to read his awesome interview with Muata Kamdibe.   Muata made a number of great points in that interview that resonated with me and that I've been meaning to blog on before this past week's little diversion.  So this probably won't be the last post inspired by that interview.  I first "met" Muata on James Krieger's Weightology website, and you may recognize the unique name as someone who comments here occasionally. So in the context of discussing getting obsessed over PubMed studies and scientific minutia (yes, I'm guilty of that quite often!), Muata said:

Also, folks who do actually realize that “Eat Less, Move More” is simply a template, tend to get carried away with macro breakdowns; however, they aren’t willing to track their calories for more than a few weeks. Give me a break! I mean, how silly is it for an obese person to really concern him or herself with how many grams of protein vs. starchy carbs they eat before noon? Yes, I understand that macros are of some importance, especially for athletes, but I still contend that folks needing to lose 75 to 100 pounds need to focus on simply eating less food! The reality is that if you’re used to eating a whole damn pizza in one sitting, a good starting point to lose the chub is to just eat half, pat yourself on the back, and call it a day.
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