Wednesday, May 9, 2012

For Your Wednesday Night Reading Pleasure

Most fathers could be reached for comment, but let's imagine we're holy and virtuous like widows anyway.

A chart of hell and where California sits in it.

New Yorkers deserve to pay higher prices for everything...and they do.

Didn't I just explain this?  It's called Jennifer Aniston Economics!

Oh ho ho!  Dr. Helen, you sure are funny.  "Picking up the check!"  That's a good one!

I just refuse to donate because statistically chances are my organs would go to a liberal.  I'm not joking.

Charlie goes into more detail about "Black Studies" than I cared too and pulls up what we all suspected.  Leftist claptrap that does nothing to actually help blacks.

See, see!  I included Tam this time!  I didn't forget! (unlike how she forgot about me and my book...sniff sniff).

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