Sunday, May 20, 2012

Job Creation Bush vs. Obama - Update

Time to update the data as a reader pointed out a story to me about job creation under democrats and republicans. 

Turns out from last we spoke, Obama and Bush are still more or less neck and neck in terms of job creation at this point in their presidencies.  At my last post Bush had lost 100k more jobs than Obama at this time, now he is only 40k down (one could also make the point Census workers should be taken out of this and close the gap further, but, eh).  Regardless, you'll note in the chart, just like Bush's first term, it's put up or shut up time for the Obama administration.  Both at this point in time during their first terms had suffered lack luster economic growth and a lack of a booming economic recovery that typically follows recessions.  Bush pulled through (though I don't believe it is a president who can create jobs and this whole discussion is moot), while Obama's growth has started to trend below Bush's.

The only additional thing I will point out is that while both presidents are essentially neck and neck in job creation, Bush managed to do this with a mere fraction of the amount of debt Obama has.  But don't let me ruin your fragile little Keynesian Land of Make Believe by pointing out the spectacular failure.

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