Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ode to Rumpleminze

In my superawesome financial classes that I teach, I had a student actually ask about Rumpleminze. My response I realized was an ode to Rumpleminze, so allow me to post it here;

Ah, "cordial" is actually a euphemism. "Super Uber Schnapps" is more like it.

When the economy was booming back in 1998, the problem I faced was not just doing finance seminars, but dance classes as well. My voice started to go because I was speaking/teaching about 3 hours a day and the human vocal chords are just not made for that much use.

Thankfully God created "Rumpleminze" (or at least some alcoholic German did).

And the world was good.

Actually, Rumpleminze is a Canadian schnapps that is VERY thick, is ALWAYS chilled, STRONGLY minty and 50% alcohol.

So when heading back from a dance class or finance seminar in some far flung Minnesota town I would stop in at the local VFW or American Legion (I prefer to give my money to the vets) and 100% guarantee they would have Rumpleminze.

Have a shot of that and you could feel the 27 degree liquid not just coat, but completely revitalize your vocal chords.

Additionally since I started drinking that regularly, I haven't gotten sick in terms of flu, cold, infection, etc. The only thing I've gotten sick from has been food poisoning in the past 8 years. Could be my constitution, but I really do believe it's the Rumpie.

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