Thursday, September 15, 2011

But You Don't "Need" Those Freedoms

I had a conversation with a middle aged female friend of mine. I can't exactly explain why she's my friend, aside from I believe her to be a good person deep down in side. But she is a raving typical middle aged American female liberal and thusly has never really had to ponder or think about where she is and is NOT allowed in terms of other people's business.

It started with the smoking ban and no matter how much I tried to convey to her the concept of private property, private owners doing what they want on THEIR land, she still lacked the intellect to admit other people have the right to do what they want on their property.

After discussing abortion, smoking, gun ownership underage drinking, etc. etc., she still failed to grasp the "15 year old could understand it" concept of "live and let live."

No, she thought it her place (albeit unconsciously) it was her place to dictate to other people what they should and should not do.

Ultimately she said (and again, unconsciously no doubt), "but you don't need those freedoms."

It is ignorance and idiocy like that, that makes me no longer care about the difference between;

1. conscious evil, KNOWINGLY trying to get you to forfeit your freedoms to take advantage of you (ala Obama).

2. Unconscious evil (aka ignorance, Peggy Joseph, my friend), blindly going with emotion to unknowingly vote us into a state of tyranny.

So (to quote your lover President Zero)

LET ME BE CLEAR and link to something that may convey the concept of freedom to you ignoramuses out there. Freedom is the right of a person to make a decision for themslves. Good or bad, right or wrong, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else, it's none of your god damned business. And if you can't get that concept down and respect that, you are simply tyrannical, conscious or not, and your "voting freedom" should be stripped, by force if necessary.

I guess what makes me so angry about this is how so many adults (and by "adults" I mean people who I view to be older than me and would have been adults when I was a kid) are still so damn stupid. As if age and experience has taught them nothing.

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