Thursday, September 22, 2011

Berkeley Graduates, Outsourcing Fathers, and Lies, Damn Lies!

"Probably a Berkeley graduate."

"Thank god we got rid of those stupid fathers! Who needs them! With all their "rules" and "discipline!" Me and my kids are best friends!"

LIES! ALL LIES! Don't listen to them! You can be happy like us! YOU DON'T NEED A HUSBAND, NOR DO YOU WANT ONE! Join us in our "50 Year Olds With Cats Club!"

In getting what they want, they defeat themselves.

Some humor from Haley. I wish I could find the Youtube Video of the Wings of Honneamise where the pilot goes to his girlfriend's house, finds her there outside her now-bulldozed home and he says. "What the heck happened!?" "They bulldozed our house. I thought that if we prayed it wouldn't happen." "YOU CAN'T #%*&ing PRAY TO PREVENT A BULLDOZER!"

"that illustrated how few things make liberals as angry as the idea of people who really matter just get to vote with their feet against them, thus depriving them of other people's money their policies depend on."

Snarks has been covering the "green industry" scam in that she lives all of 3 miles from Solyndra. Here, here and here.

When liberals make charts, you can ALWAYS expect them to lie about it.

An obscure post, but I was wondering where i was getting all the hits from. You'll want to pour yourself a drink before tackling this one.

And ask yourself the question. What if all young, educated males decided to give up the rat race and just get by on enough money to support themselves and only themselves? You'd soon come to the conclusion that when guys like this go Galt, your country is in for a world of hurt. Sadly (and I'll say it again for the cheap seat) unfortunately men DO exist and they are a VITAL part of this or any other society because they are essentially the engine that drives it. But don't worry, you don't need an engine, you need government social workers and education and free health care. Not hard working men! Pha! That's so 1950s!

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