Sunday, September 30, 2012

Why Leftists Tend to Be Uglier

Liberal Open-Mindedness Disclaimer - If you are a liberal and are reading this, you must read the whole thing.  Do not claim to be "open minded" and then not get to the meat of the post below then blather on uninformed about this post.  Thank you.

Study comes out showing that republican women candidates tend to be more feminine looking than they're liberal counterparts.

No duh.

I'll say it again for the cheap seats and see if I can succinctly summarize my theory (which is right) about why this is so.

Liberals and leftist in general tend to be lazy.  They eschew hard work, they're afraid of rigor, and this shows in their ideology.  ANYTHING to avoid having to support themselves or work an honest day.  Yes, I know some work hard, but it's more or a less a monopoly of the left to hear:

"Life's unfair."

"I'm discriminated against."

"The glass ceiling."

"The Man is holding me down"

etc. etc.

Now, even though it's disingenuous and intellectually dishonest, they can get away with this in an economic and political sense because this is a democracy.  Socialists and leftists with heart-tugging sob stories can get the majority of voters to vote in policy that transfers wealth and essentially allows them to be lazy and avoid real, productive work.  We all have to abide by this because we live in this democracy.

HOWEVER, while a democracy may force different economic policies on society through the government, IT CANNOT CHANGE HUMAN NATURE.  Specifically, no matter what policies socialists and leftists try to implement, you will never change what a woman is attracted to and what a man is attracted to.

Women like strong, tall, big men.

Men like long legs, long hair, big boobs, tight asses and feminine features.

This means liberals and leftists (just like all humans and animals on this planet) ARE FORCED to compete when it comes to courting and mating, whether they like it or not.  However, when I say "compete" I don't mean, "be lucky enough to be born handsome or pretty."  I mean "work out, stay in shape and make yourself sexy to the opposite sex."

Which means, again, just like any other job, just like any other degree, just like any other pursuit, it requires effort, discipline, rigor and hard work.  Things liberals and leftists abhor.

And it shows.

Now, keep in mind what I'm saying here because I don't want to be misquoted or taken out of context.

I do NOT believe liberals and leftists are born uglier than their average conservative counterpart.  It's not like they're genetically inferior or anything.  What I am talking about is that they put A LOT LESS EFFORT into their physical appearance.  Ergo, this is not a criticism of their basic, physical beauty, let alone their genetics, but it IS a criticism of their psychology.  You could take that Prius-driving, 45 year old, gray haired, super skinny yoga woman who never wore make-up, never did her hair up, give her a make over and she'd come out looking just fine.  Just as you could take the cowering, tubby orbiting beta with the Seth Rogen beard, through him in the gym for 3 months and have him come out looking just fine.

But that's the not the point.

The point is to your average leftists such working out and maintenance requires effort.  That AND the added risk they may still "fail" in attracting a mate.  It is their pure hatred and fear of effort and competition that not only drives their political and economic ideologies, but also drives their "romantic" or "mating" ideology.

Therefore, since it takes too much work to don a pair of heels and gussy yourself up or hit the gym and lose some inches, what do liberals do?

Try to change reality.

Thus why you have "fat acceptance."

Thus why men are "shallow" for liking big boobs and tight asses.

Thus why liberal women don't "lower themselves to objectifying themselves for men."

Thus why "I don't need a man, fish bicycle, test tube babies."

All while exuding that same pompous, arrogant, hypocritical attitude they lord over the rest of us adults as they "go green" and drive their Priuses.

In the end you have a group of people living in denial.  They're so lazy and afraid they will never try and thus, they will never achieve their best.  They will not re-define reality (because reality is reality, it bends for no liberal), but will only manage to delude themselves what reality is.  And thus you end up with wimpy, pansified men dating or marrying homely, ugly, unpleasant women pursing a "life" of pursuits and hobbies that require no real effort (going green, joining a political crusade, claiming you care about the children, majoring in "Lesbian Chinese Sculpture Studies," drum circles, yoga, you name it).

It is a life they really don't enjoy and it is the reason you never really see any of them smile as you pass their bumper-sticker-laden Prius on the highway.

Enjoy the decline!

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