Friday, September 14, 2012

Which of These Keynesian Stimuli Isn't Like The Others?

Since WWII, there has been "roughly" three major "Keynesian Stimuli" of expansionary fiscal policy.

The first one was WWII itself.  Arguably the godfather of all Keynesian stimuli, it got us out of the Great Depression.

The second was Ronald Reagan.  Reagan, despite his reputation was a HAYOOOGE spender, driving up deficits to the point the debt had to be addressed.  Regardless, that got us out of the of oil-embargo/lazy-hippie-infestation/generally crappy 70's economy.

The third is today with what I will intellectually-honestly call "Bush-Obama" because Obama merely took Bush's deficit spending and magnified it.  Still Keynesian, still deficit spending, still expansionary, BUT....

One key thing missing.

A recovery.

Now I know three instances or case studies of Keynesian economic policy does not make a trend, but there is a difference between the Keynesian stimuluses of WWII and Reagan versus that of Bush/Obama.

And it is the same reason why this galactic DF of a stimulus has failed.

Anybody care to guess what that reason is?

I'll give you a clue.  Modern day Keynesians are focusing too much on economics and not something else.

POST-POST - Ok,it seems people are missing the forest from the trees.  I am playing devil's advocate and using liberal arguments and assumptions to only further my point.  So let's just "assume" it was WWII and other Keynesian type things that got us out of these recessions.  What is missing from this current Keynesian splurgefest that explains the lack of recovery.

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