Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A View Into an Evil Woman's Mind

I don't normally call people evil.  I think that requires a combination of selfishness, amorality and genuine psychological issues.  Most people I disagree with are usually misled, uninformed, misinformed, or brainwashed.  Not evil.

However, Andrea qualifies as one of those genuine evil people.  She writes in response to "Faking a Wife and Kids to Have a Vasectomy."

Andrea said...You are no different from the people you criticize: maximize pleasure now, no responsibility later. If you had decided not to have kids by being celibate, by the way, my estimation of you would have grown. That's courageous. Vasectomy? Not so much. 

 Let break this down bit by bit to show where she's incorrect and being intellectually dishonest and then delve into the dark and scary recesses of her mind.

1.  I, and other men who have vasectomies, ARE different than those we criticize.  The people we criticize are people who who maximize pleasure now, but then jettison their responsibility to other people, namely the taxpayer.  The examples are limitless - single parents, people buying houses they can't afford, people driving without insurance and fleeing the scene, etc. - whereas we are engaging in an activity that ELIMINATES responsibility.  She is unable to accept that technology has advanced to the point people can engage in certain behaviors that DID have a risk, but that technology eliminates the risk.  It would be akin to me lecturing women for using birth control.  Or lecturing a little 5 year old for having a tetanus shot.  I can see it now, me yelling at a 5 year old...

"You are no different from those non-vaccinated children on the playground you criticize!  Except they are courageous enough to accept the responsibility when they get tetanus.  You coward!  Getting a vaccination!"

It leads me to believe she is either a religious fanatic trying to force her religious views on me and others, or she's evil, or both.

2.  If I decided to not have kids by being celibate her estimation of me would have grown. 

Oh, darn.  Shoot, and my whole life was about impressing delusion and psychotic strangers on the internet.  Not to mention, being so dedicated to that I would give up sex for a random stranger's opinion.

Now, let's going into the world of Andrea.

There are three things that make me convinced she's not just insane, but evil.

1.  Her inability to be intellectually honest.  In not admitting or recognizing having a vasectomy is actually a responsible act and something responsible men do, but rather trying to warp that into something "bad" it tells me she has no desire to have her thinking based in reality.  This is nearly 100% of the time a sign the person is trying to ply a double, NON-logic based standard on you, so you have to essentially abide by their logic and terms which are usually flawed and politically motivated.

2.  Control.  Who lectures you about what form of birth control you use?  Who lectures you about anything as long as you aren't hurting anybody?  Control freaks, that's who.  Dictators, tyrants and crusaders.  People who are unable to discern where their authority ends and where your sovereignty begins.  They have no respect for you as a person and in a very evil manner decide, all on their own, they have the right to dictate to you what you are going to do with your personal life.

3.  No fun for you/doesn't like sex.  Is there anything more sick and wrong than a person who doesn't like fun?  Also, I NEVER, NEVER trust anybody who doesn't like sex.  That is a 100% correlation to somebody with problems.  And I'm not talking the 18 year old girl who is scared of having sex the first time or maybe isn't secure with herself just yet.  I'm talking the full grown woman that not only uses sex as a weapon, but just outright hates it.  Red flag, red flag, red flag.  WARNING WILL ROBINSON!

Now I could go all over the place with this.  How to avoid these people, why never to date them, etc. etc.  But I will merely point out that there are people like this out there men (and ladies).  Evil people.  People who are pscyhologically incapable of respecting you, respecting your freedoms and through a lack of morality have no problems getting into and controlling your lives. And I'm willing to bet, when push comes to shove and men start having more and more vasectomies AND decide to go Galt, not man up, not marry up, the likes of Andrea and her ilk will deem it their AUTHORITY and RIGHT to start pushing for legislation that we pay a "bachelor tax" or dare to even go so far as to eliminate vasectomies.

Her mind is darker and scarier than that, and I could say more but I'm sorry.  I'm here to enjoy the decline.  And by "enjoy the decline" I mean have sex with no costs or ramification because of my vasectomy.

Stay frosty, boys.

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