Friday, August 10, 2012

The Real HealthyAncestralDiets of The Palisades Shore ~ Episode 1 Sprightli gets a pet

For background on my tongue-in-cheek paleo/ancestral inspired reality series, see this post (scroll to the picture of Giada to skip the AHS commentary).  But for a quick summary this shall do:  Imagine if you will that an alien species, the Giada, came to Earth and traveled through time selecting various specimens of human cultures and transported them to caves carved into the Palisades cliffs.  Along with the humans they were able to perfectly duplicate the environments.  Now these caves have been discovered, and the cast of Jersey Shore has been chosen to portray real-life modern day members of these ancient humans.  

What we've learned about these long-hidden cave populations is that through the millenia contact and interactions occur fairly regularly while drinking that universal ancestral beverage coffee,  at Buck Star.  Still, the Giada insisted on maintaining cultural purity so intercultural mating was strictly forbidden.  Also, for whatever reason, the Giada installed a big screen TV-like window into each cave so the various inhabitants were aware of what was going on in the outside world around them and as subject to some trends as any developing culture ....

Episode 1 begins with Sprightli strutting into Buck Star sporting animal prints** and a large yellow purse.  Muckluk aka The Saskatchewanation and Paulai PhD are squatting by the couch.  You see, as they haven't been shielded from modern fads of surrounding extra-Palisades cultures, Sprightli had seen the movies Ice Age and Legally Blonde and was big into the paleo fashion scene.  So despite leopardish skins not being a traditional garb of her culture, she sported them anyway.  But Sprightli wanted to start a trend amongst her Pima.  Inspired by the acorn obsessed sloth Sid in the Ice Age movies, she figured this would be her best bet!  After all, acorns were a staple food of her ancestors ... what could be a more perfect fit.  So Sprightli contacted the Giada to send her a sloth.  Giada was especially playful that day and decided it might be a fun experiment to see what would happen if a sloth were to be introduced into the Pima ecosystem ... and so they complied.   I think Sprightli nails the look ... what say you?

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