Friday, August 10, 2012

Onward Christian Rationalization Hamster

*The St. Leykis Clause is in effect for this post*

Because of my unique background (secular, but very familiar with and informed about religion - specifically, Christianity), I can hypocritically sit on the sidelines and mock and ridicule what I see happening inside the church.  Specifically, I savor watching the realities of the modern day "real world," human nature, socialism, and a progressively-debased society run full-force into the old religious beliefs, tenets and principals of various established religions.  But for the best show, the one where I like breaking out my lawn chair and lighting up a cigar, is to watch when feminism and Christianity collide.  Not when secular feminists criticize the church and lobby for abortion rights, etc., but rather when Christian women adopt feminist ideals, doctrine and philosophy.  It results in a spectacular train wreck as they try to reconcile two (more or less) mutually exclusive ideologies and the ensuing explosion ensnares scores, if not hundreds, of innocent Christian male-bystanders.

Oh, I laugh, but a piece of me cries as I see the clueless men of the church flail about with no idea what's going.  Even incredibly intelligent ones who are very aware and observant of the political forces of feminism and are definitely alpha males, also suffer.  Not because they are somehow duped, but because their faith blinds them to the bird's-eye-view observations secularism affords me.  Dalrock, U of Man, Last Christian Standing, Elusive Wapiti, observations are correct, but through the lens of Christianity.  So if those of you from the Christian side of the Manosphere will permit me, allow me to make some of my secular observations (which I do NOT mean in a condescending way, just wanted to share).

First, though you may disagree, for the sake of argument assume the majority of religious people do not deep down inside believe in their religion for one second.  Most go to church, synagogue, mosque, whatever, not because they actually believe the doctrine, but because that's what they were told to do as kids.  It is a rare person (like say, Dennis Prager) who really believes in his religion, and even those who would presumably be the most ardent believers (the clergy) use religion more often than not as a means of employment first, ego satisfaction next, and then somewhere in 4th or 5th place is "god."

Second, also assume the premise that what prompts most people to join and stay in a religion are social or at least "ulterior" motives that have nothing to do with the religion.  The religion serves merely as a vehicle or an excuse to congregate and socialize.

Now, you make those two assumptions and religion takes on a whole different dynamic.  It is a medium or a catalyst to achieve other, non-religious based things.

What do I mean by "other non-religious based things?"

Well any kind of ulterior motive.

To meet a spouse, to have friends, to have belonging, to provide your mind an explanation (you deep down inside don't believe anyway) as to what happens after you die so you don't have to worry.

The religion is like Play Doh or clay.  It can ultimately be morphed into serving whatever purpose its "believers" desire.  But beyond that, religion also carries "authority" which provides the legitimacy that people need to confirm that what they're doing is virtuous, true, noble and correct.  And it is these two traits that makes religion the most perfect, most powerful, most disastrous weapon a rationalization hamster just plain can't resist.

Understand what a Rationalization Hamster is.  It is up for interpretation, but I think we can all agree that a rationalization hamster is a vehicle which allows a person to deny reality.  But it's more than that.  A person just can't "deny reality," they need a rationalization so that their weak minds will fall for it.  The rationalization or logic the hamster generates doesn't have to be sound, reality-based or have any level of intellectual honesty, but if you can reach out and attach some kind of approval or ordainment by an "independent third party," all the more power to the rationalization hamster.

Tell me how religion, specifically, Christianity, does not fit that bill perfectly.  It has all the traits and characteristics that could feed an army of rationalization hamsters.

Fateism -  The inane and cowardly "the lord will provide" or "the lord has a plan" is only uttered when the utterer has made one or many galactically stupid decisions.  You don't hear the electrical engineer who waited till he was married to have kids say, "well, the lord will provide."  You hear the single mom of 5 children from 3 fathers who's attending cosmetology school at the local degree mill on our dime say, "the lord will provide."  The appeal or the attraction of "fateism" is that you get to jettison any responsibility for your actions.

Slept around, knocked up a chick, got an STD, dropped out of college, collecting welfare?

Oh no, that's not your fault.  "The lord has a plan."

Consequently, when you run into these fateists they have no problem claiming responsibility for their good decisions.  Oh no, the lord had nothing to do with you getting your MD, that was all you.  But the one night fling you had that brought your unwanted child into this world, yep, that was JC all the way. 

An Amorphous, Intangible Doctrine - Clear rules are bad for rationalization hamsters.  They're too black and white.  And while you may think the bible is clear on a lot of things, those very clear things account for about 5% of the total pages in the bible.  The remaining 95% is stories, parables, poems and a bunch of other amorphous, touchy feely stuff that can be interpreted however anybody wants it to be.  This gives the rationalization hamster another gift "from the heavens." (yuk yuk yuk).

A rule book where the rules can be changed and interpreted however the rationalization hamster wants.

It's like Calvin-ball dating Christian girls.  YOu never know where you stand, what you're supposed to do, what they want, and what the goal is.  If you try something, it's ruled illegal.  But if some other guy tries the same thing, that's all good because in Romans Chapter 89 verse 312 subsection A the lord said,

"Kiss not the upstanding young Christian man in your church.  Nay.  Make out with the criminal, bad boy with 2 illegitimate kids who wanteth to get downeth your pants, so that you may help the poor, impoverished man by showing him God.  For it is he who needeth you, sayeth the lord."

A Christian man just cannot win playing Calvinball against a Christian woman.

Moral Superiority  -Another aspect of religion that makes rationalization hamsters salivate is the moral superiority religion provides.  This aspect of religion yields many benefits.  First, it provides that "third independent party" needed to "ordain" or "approve" all the actions of the rationalization hamster.  And as long as the rationalization hamster bases her decisions in the scripture, no matter how horribly misinterpreted and construed for her own benefit, she is doing the right thing.  Additionally, because it is a religion, it is an "authoritative" third party, not some journalist or professor.  It is GOD who is ordaining your decisions.  How can you go wrong with the ONE TRUE GOD on your side?

Second, because of this divine authority, all other arguments are moot.  Logic doesn't apply.  Statistics or facts don't apply.  The other person's feelings don't apply.  This is GOD, need she remind you.  This leads to, third, inferiority.

This a Christian male is not going to run into as much as it will be secular males.  Date a Christian rationalization hamster and you are immediately demoted to "heathen" status, obviously inferior to the rationalization hamster.  And even then, on second thought, I take that back.  Christian men no doubt do suffer from this inferiority trait, namely by what I guess could be considered "christian shaming language."  How many of you have heard "Well I guess you're just not a good Christian."  Or "I guess Jesus isn't in your heart!"  In short, if a rationalization hamster embeds itself enough in religion, any men (secular or christian) who dare criticize, argue or disagree with you can be written off as inferior.

Jesus, Rockstar Alpha - You ever date that girl that wouldn't shut up about her ex that rocked her world, treated her like crap, but how she pined for him anyway.  Yeah, well JC puts that Alpha Bad Boy to shame.  JC is the ULTIMATE alpha.  Take the multiple male suitors in Harlequin romance novels, the World's Most Interesting Man, George Clooney, those Vampire/Wolf guys from all those vampire books/movies, put them in a blender, take pure extract of Alpha maleness out of them, and then refine it further in secret government labs and you still would have Mortimer Snerd compared to JC.

JC is "perfect."  He is always there.  Always forgiving.  All powerful.  All loving.  And guess what, a figment of her imagination just like all the vampire movies and Harlequine romance novels.

You are real.  You are mortal.  You are human.  You stand no chance against a dream or a figment of imagination.  If there is any turbulence in your relationship, you will immediately be compared to JC just like other girls will compare you to the rockstar alpha in their past.  And good luck winning that battle pal.

Additionally, JC brings in yet another tool the rationalization hamster can "lord" over you (yuk yuk yuk).  "He" is more important than you.  What always irked me about weddings is about 85% of the time it's the same damn sermon:

"Through Jesus you two will succeed."


"YOu are getting married to serve Jesus."


"Your wedding and your family will help glorify Jesus."

I call a secular "BS" and have said crassly to the few christian girls I've dated "I'm not having a threesome with Jesus," but for the Christian male this really puts you in a bad position.  You can NEVER be #1.  It's like marrying a single mom - you are default-ranked #2.   You marry a christian single mother, you are default-ranked #3.  Regardless, it provides another chess piece the Christian rationalization hamster can invoke to manipulate the relationship.

Get Out of Jail Free - Akin to "fateism," I wanted to separate this because it's an aspect of Christianity I very much dislike - ALL IS FORGIVEN.  This means you could have been, or could be the most evil, maniacal, disgusting person, and it's alright, it's all OK, all is forgiven.

Now I am agnostic and I'm a pretty gruff and callous guy, but the number one thing that hurts me, haunts me and I even have nightmares to this day are the handful of people I did wrong to.  If you are a real human being with a real soul, you will realize not only were you wrong, but there's NOTHING you can do to undo the harm and hurt you caused other people.  Even if they forgive you, you can't forgive yourself because of the pain you caused them.  It doesn't go away.  It isn't washed away, it still happened.  In short, what I'm trying to say is I don't understand how people can do something wrong and horrible and because some book or guy in robes says,

"Don't worry, Jesus forgives you."

how they can then just skip along your happy way without the slightest cringe of guilt or shame.  And not only that, how they can delude themselves into thinking it never happened.

The perfect example is the "born again Christian" or worse, the "born again virgin."

Are you kidding me?  What, your past doesn't matter?  Not to mention all the consequences of your mistakes and who you hurt along the way (innocent illegitimate children, impoverished people, tortured souls, victims of your crimes, etc. etc.)

But again, this is a rationalization hamster on religious steroids.  Anything is possible, including your ability to pretty much blank out your past, forgive yourself and then believe your a much better person than you really are.

Again, I don't envy my Christian brothers.

Now, you take in all these traits, all these variables and aspects of religion and tell me how in the eyes of a rationalization hamster it is nothing more than an irresistible tool box or a steroid buffet to use, abuse and unleash for its own selfish purposes.  Also tell me how a Christian male is supposed to find a genuine Christian woman in a church full of poser rationalization hamsters.  Also tell me how a Christian male, who is genuinely interested in finding a good church, finds one, and not some watered down, acoustic guitar playing hippie church where your pets can be baptized (St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Minneapolis, if you're interested) and Jesus is hidden somewhere in the basement all to pull in more people purely for marketing purposes?

This isn't to say all women are using and abusing Christianity for their own ulterior motives.  This isn't to say all members of our churches, synagogues, mosques and temples are nothing but posers and crusaders looking for a date or some business contacts. And I'm certainly not asking anybody to abandon their faith.  All I'm asking is the men (and women) of The Manosphere take another red pill.

We already took one when it came to the dating/social dynamics of courting women.  We should also be taking one for employee/employer dynamics.  But in order to understand what is happening in our places of worship all religious men and women (regardless of religion) should be taking a third red pill to prevent what is nothing more than a political ideology from corrupting, infiltrating and destroying our religious institutions.

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