Friday, August 3, 2012

Skin Pigmentation is Thicker Than Water

While growing up my brother tried to kill me.  Twice.

So when I hear "blood is thicker than water" you can understand why I have a bit of a problem believing that.

Understand what people are really saying when they say "blood is thicker than water" is:

"We want you to lower your standards and give preferential treatment to somebody simply because they are related to you.  Even though there are more deserving, more moraled and just out right better people out there, you should give family members preferred treatment and thus treat others unfairly."

Normally this comes up in the case where an "offending" family member has done something untowards you and you are supposed to just ignore it or dismiss it.  This of course implies the family member can continue to treat you poorly, unacceptably and as an inferior, or their unacceptable behavior is simply excused because "well, blood is thicker than water."

But set aside genetic and blood lines and think about something else - skin pigmentation.

I bring this up because I am starting to believe that skin pigmentation is thicker than water also.  What with the likes of Samuel Jackson and other prominent black Americans admitting they voted for Barack simply because he's black, then this implies a presidential candidate should just get preferential treatment based on his skin pigmentation.  BUT, here's the key thing - that preferential treatment should come REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THAT PERSON HURTS OR HARMS YOU.

And so I wanted to see if Barack Obama was like my brother - somebody trying to harm me, but I should forgive anyway because "you know, skin pigmentation is thicker than water."

So let's introduce those nasty, dirty, disgusting things called "facts" and "statistics."

Here is the black median household income as a percentage of whites.  I put two in there because I do not like "scaling" the y axis to make changes seem more or less dramatic than they are:

And shucks howdy will you look at that?  Apparently blacks have suffered more under Barack Obama than they did that evil Bush.

I could go on and cite unemployment statistics, individual incomes, etc. etc., but frankly, I'm at Sturgis and I'm here to enjoy the decline.  Additionally, you know the point I'm trying to make is going to fall on deaf ears.  So I'll be brief.

It is a fact Barack Hussein Obama has been bad for blacks, MORE SO THAN WHITES.

I cannot wave a magic wand and magically undo all the racist-brainwashing the government, leftists, socialists, the media and the education system has systematically instilled in our minority brothers and sisters.  But as a vain hope somebody, someday, might listen AND make themselves truly free, please, realize "skin pigmentation is not thicker than water."

(OK, so I got curious and the whiskey needs to wear off before I start driving around again)

At inarguration date black unemployment as a percent of white unemployment was 179%.  This has increased now to 191%.  Remember, "skin pigmentation is thicker than water" so make sure to blame Bush even though things improved for black more than whites under him:

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