Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dear Mexican Restaurants

When I ask for "Tabasco Sauce" I want Tabasco Sauce.

I don't want those cheap knock offs you have sitting on the table.  "Tapatio," "Chipolte" or that damn sauce that has about as much kick as a quadriplegic slug - "Chalupa."

I want the spicy, hot, vinegar fuming TABASCO.  I want no girls to want to kiss me for the next month.  I want to sweat while I'm eating.  I don't want your "in house sauce" that is about as hot as saw dust.

You're probably one of those parents who buy their kids the knock off brand of Lego's or some other cool toy because "it's the same thing."


We want our freaking Tabasco sauce.

Thank you.


The Entire Population of Earth

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