Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Shall Explain Paul Krugman

A recent poster asked how Paul Krugman, if he had all this education in economics, can still come to the conclusions that he does.

And the answer is very simple if you have super-awesome economic genius like I do:

"Because Paul Krugman, deep down inside, doesn't believe one damn word he says, but knows there's a market to be made telling liberal, trust-fund baby New Yorker brats what they want to hear."

It's an amazing skill matter of fact. To be able to ignore empirical data and spew what ultimately results in lies. But the great thing, if not the GENIUS of Paul Krugman, is that he KNOWS his readership doesn't care about:

Intellectual honesty
The advancement of society

He knows his audience.

He knows his customers.

And he knows they're a bunch of east coast snobby elitists that want some "unbiased economist professional" to confirm their ideology and their faux intellectual status.

He is actually a much smarter and more patient man than I will ever be, because he can suck it up and tell a bunch of prissy spoiled brat elitists what they want to hear. He can lie, knowingly, through his teeth so he can collect a paycheck from the equally amoral NYT.

You think I'm joking?

Look up Ed Schulz. He was a conservative until the paychecks didn't come through. Now he's the PREMIER liberal talk show host. He sucks, but his listening audience doesn't notice because he tells them what they want to hear.

Matter of fact, you pay me enough, and I'll turn liberal on you guys too.

Of course, you would all know it would be a sham.

But would my "new-found audience know?"

would they even CARE I was a "raving right wing lunatic" in the past?


Never underestimate the cowardly intellectual weakness of the average American schlep. Hitler himself could come back from the grave and host a talk radio show called "The Super-Pro-Liberal-New-York-Jew-Awesome-Israeli-Zionist-Hour-With-Bagels" and his show would be a hit.

So don't raise your ire (let alone your blood pressure) over Paul Krugman. He is a soothe sayer. Matter of fact you should cheer him on and appreciate that he's milking these idiots for as much as he can.

But in the end reality will prove him wrong. He will of course be sitting on his millions telling all of his loyal readers one simple thing when none of his predictions come true;


And that's when the real joke will be had.

in the meantime,

Enjoy that decline, kids!

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