Thursday, May 22, 2008

Don't Bother Watching the New Indiana Jones Movie

Complete crap. And I'm not saying that for effect, I'm saying it because it's true.

Sorry, not going to capitulate to the American predisposition this "has" to be a good movie.

Utter garbage.

And by that, I mean it isn't even worth renting.

If it were up to me I would go to Spielberg and Lucas and demand, for the sake of an American icon, they withdraw this piece of sh!t from the theaters, go back and redo it with a realistic plot, give Indy a gun that he occasionally fires, and please don't ever have another scene where everybody has guns, but either;

1. Fails to use them when they're right there in front of them with the enemies sitting like ducks
2. Shoots non-stop but fails to hit their target if they're shooting at Americans or Indiana Jones.

And hey, while we're at it, let's throw in some kid that is completely incidental to the plot to tug at the heart strings of mothers.

Seriously, I'm angry they literally murdered an American icon like Indiana Jones. The sad thing is Harrison Ford pulled it off superbly. But this family BS, it would have just been better if he was a childless bachelor, as he always was, and was meant to be and went out and kicked some commie ass.

No, I had to tolerate 2 hours of ill-founded rumors of El Dorado, which were created by aliens, whose corpse we found in Rosewell, and wow, there's a spaceship. To quote Eddie Izzard;

"Oh no, space monkeys are attacking."


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