Friday, December 14, 2012

Proof Positive Feminists Are Psychotic

I want you to follow me in a little experiment.  And I'm being serious, I need to know if I'm missing something.

Victor Pride wrote a self-improvement piece for men.  You may not agree with all of his methods, but if you read it, I think the majority of men and women would agree the majority (though, not all) of his recommendations are good things men should pursue.

So riddle me this, riddle me that, Batman.  Why the hell would anybody ridicule his recommendations?

"Physically build something."  Mock it, ridicule it?

"Start a Business."  Mock it, ridicule it?

"Own your car outright/avoid debt."  Mock it, ridicule it?


I mean, if you want positive proof just how batshit insane feminists have become you needn't look any further than this "Jezebel" piece.  The fact they mock and ridicule fiscal responsibility, self-improvement, and production is only proof that the feminist movement is not only delusional, but they're destructive.  So people should do the OPPOSITE of what Victor is recommending?




Precisely what kind of world do modern day feminists believe in???  I'm just curious, where does the money come from?  Where does the production come from?  Who produces the things you need and innovates new products and methods that lowers their prices??  Or does mocking and ridiculing things like "production" and "independence" qualify as genuine economic production in the feminist interpretation of economics?

I expect no sane, adult reaction from the little girls at Jezebel, but rather am using them as an example for everybody else to learn from.

If feminism has been able to convince women (little girls, actually) that things like fiscal discipline, spending within your means, production, innovation, and independence are worthy of mockery and ridicule, then the whole movement is not just invalid, but evil and insane.  It is destructive and it is unfounded.

The question is whether people (especially women) are going to realize this and start to reject feminism for the co-opted evil political vehicle it has become, or just to continually subscribe to it for politically correct purposes, granting them the political capital they need to continue their evil agenda.

Regardless, enjoy the decline.

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