Saturday, December 15, 2012

Confessions of an Ex-Crusader

So the co-founder of Greenpeace, as some of you know, has come out against Greenpeace citing it is no longer the organization it once was.  He has since wrote a book:

"Confessions of a Greenpeace Drop Out"

But this highlights another issue I've brought up before.

"What can you do when you've spent your youth ignorantly advocating and voting for socialism?"

Famous conservatives today were liberals.  Michael Medved, Joe Soucheray, and now Patrick Moore.  Thankfully, they've at least done something.  But what irks me is the "JOhnny Come Lately's" who in their 50's and 60's realized the crap they swallowed back in the 70's was nothing more than leftist garbage.  Oooo!  Great!  You get 3 more election cycles before you die of old age!  Good thing you only wasted the first 15 election cycles of your life voting to make my future hell!

Sorry, in a particularly foul mood.

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