Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy Report

Hope this post finds everyone safe and having not lost much in the wake of this massive storm.  I was semi-awake most of the night.  Our power went off a few times, and cycled on and off for a couple hours, but luckily it held.  There were no generators to be had as of early Friday afternoon ... this is something we need to get because all I could think of was our freezers full of food being lost.  

Being at relatively high elevation and far enough inland, I wasn't worried about water too much, more about wind and our big tree.   One fairly big limb came down on our shed which then blew apart ... Not sure if it can be saved, but it is what it is, and relatively minor.  Quite a few smaller limbs came down as well.  Although it makes for less privacy, I'm happy our neighbor had some limbs on his tree  trimmed recently.  Still, something hit his house and ripped his fascia board off.  

According to the hubs, we have a chicken in the neighborhood that clucked its way through our back yard.   (This would make Joel Salatin happy, but not the town officials.)   

My folks are without power so I expect company later since it was just the line to their house it won't be top priority.  One neighbor lost a car to a falling limb.  We'll take our tour of the neighborhood later.  One good thing is there'll be lots of free firewood to be had.

How'd you fare?

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