Friday, December 9, 2011


Well Cappy Cappites and assorted economists, I received the book proof of my new book and it looks great. I authorized the publication and Amazon says....

5-7 Business Days before it's ready.

So to hell with it. I'm done waiting for it to be ready and am announcing the book today!

The cover more or less explains everything. "Worthless" is the one book that every teenager and 20 something should have AND READ. It outlines the basics of economics as to why some degrees are more valuable than other, goes through all the major "majors," highlighting which ones are worthwhile and which ones are worthless, and provides the much-needed guidance that "guidance counselors" spectacularly fail to provide young adults when it comes time to choosing a major.

Though written for younger people in mind (it's only 175 pages, and a small book at that), adults may find it interesting too in that I expose and eviscerate "Big Education." Some interesting data and statistics, and of course, what book by the Captain would be complete without some charty-goodness.

I WROTE IT IN UNDER 3 WEEKS. I did this so it could be available as a Christmas gift for the son, daughter, nephew, niece or special young some one in your life that you care about and desperately want them to avoid making a huge mistake by choosing a worthless major.

Also, since it was written in under 3 weeks, YES THERE ARE BOUND TO BE SOME TYPOS IN THERE.

Not real ones like the misspelling of words or horrible grammar, but anal retentive ones that you guys like to point out. Semi-colons, missing/extra comma's, etc. When you buy it and read it, if you see any real typos that escaped by crack team of editors, please let me know and I shall change them.

As mentioned before, it won't be available for 5-7 business days, but when it is, I will provide the link. Also, any of you kind enough and willing to provide the Captain a little exposure on your blogs would be greatly appreciated.

There is more to say, because I believe the book is quite revolutionary, but I will wait for the official release.

Thank you all.


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