Monday, December 26, 2011

Angry Aging Grandma Protester

Continuing on with my fascination with old hippies who are still protesting and their faces when captured by photograhy, I remembered this picture from my capitalism/socialism seminar I did a couple years back.

This one is even more rewarding in that you can just see the results on what happens when naive children, WITHOUT RICH PARENTS TO BAIL THEM OUT, decide they're going to go and avoid the real world and become "professional protesters" or, more simply, dedicate their lives to a socialist cause. ie-what today's modern day OWS protester will become 40 years from now.

Just look at that.

Again, I ask those of you from the hippie generation, was it worth it? Are you happy you wasted your lives like you did? That lady could have had grandchildren right now. Could have had a normal life, a loving husband, loving family. Trips to Yellowstone, memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas (though duly noted this is Britain). Dancing the night away with her husband all dressed up in a nice evening dress. NIghts of cocktailing and martini's at jazz clubs. Watching black and white flicks until late into the evening. "Rocking chair time" as her and her husband lived out their last days on the porch. Heck, she could have also become an accountant or a doctor with a rewarding and PRODUCTIVE career.

Sadly, all I see is somebody who isn't really angry with society, as much as she is herself for being so stupid to piss her youth away. Now her brain faces a paradox:

Does she admit she was wrong this entire time and salvage what little of her life remains?


Does she continue down the path she set out for her self back in 1968 because her ego refuses to swallow its pride, thereby guaranteeing the remaining 10-20 years of her life are pissed away like the previous 50?

I don't credit these people with the intellectual honesty and fortitude to admit they were wrong. They just can't handle it, at least while they're alive. And so they will continue to piss away what little life they have left until they're on their death bed. And at that moment in time, the truth will fight its ugly way up through their gut to the frontal lobes of the brain where these people will be forced to realize and accept a conscious, crystalized thought;

"Oh my god. I wasted my life, and I have only myself to blame."

I will of course be sitting there, popcorn in hand, shot of Rumpie in the other, enjoying every minute of it as I enjoy the decline.

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