Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Lord Has a Plan

To help Ms. Daughill, I shall quote what many Christians quoted me when I would ask stupid questions about the sanity of their decisions, or I would be shot down by a Christian woman on the grounds I was not a Christian:

"Don't worry. The Lord will provide."

or a variant

"The Lord has a plan."

Hopefully, this will assuage any concerns she has about what lies in her future. Because I have been reliably informed multiple times by multiple Christians that not only did god intend this to happen, he was doing it to test Ms. Daughill.


I will say this again for the cheap seats. There are good Christians out there, many of which are friends of mine. But a higher and higher percentage of Christians are merely "joining a club" to get the benefits of belonging to a club and couldn't give a damn less about the teachings. The benefits include not just social benefits, but a mental sickness that provides their mind the rationale to avoid reality, live in whatever reality they choose to, and ultimately avoid responsibility for their actions, let alone the consequences. It has become the ultimate food source for rationalization hamsters because bad decisions are no longer the individual's fault, it's "the Lord's plan."

Just like Islam, I think Christianity is in dire need of another reformation, one that purges these abusers of the religion.

You will, however, still be able to find me in bed watching cartoons come Sunday morning.

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