Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Very Cappy Cap Christmas!

You probably have relatives or parents that are over 40 and were brought up in the "card giving days." You probably remember those days when at the age of 8 you were forced to sign a ton of cards for Christmas or somebody's birthday by your mother. Even at that age you wondered how the recipients of the card couldn't see through the forced signatures and see it was a simple ruse on the part of your mother, but you signed anyway.

Or perhaps today you have Gen Xer's that recently had children and have since disappeared from the face of the planet. You only see them now on Facebook, and wonder if they truly do exist at all.

Whichever the case, now is the time you will be receiving those lame "family Christmas cards" that nobody really asked for, nobody really cares about, and nobody really reads. If for any other reason you are going to see those people in the Christmas card in about 2 weeks and already KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON IN YOUR FAMILY,


the friends you used to have before the evils of children consumed them, denying them any more fun in their lives, keep having more and more children and you, frankly, can't keep up with them and so you lose interest. Mayhaps 18 years from now they can all go out once again and booze it up at the salsa the age of 55.

Regardless, I thought to help contribute to the spirit of Christmas, I should send out my own Very Cappy Cap family Christmas card this year and update you about all the members in my family! I hope you like it!

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