Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Favorite 100 Calorie Snack

I've been hearing these things demonized since my very first day that I found Jimmy Moore's LLVLC forum.  All these months later I understand that this is rooted in the firmly held belief that calories must be irrelevant to the whole equation.  Lately there's a 100 Calorie Strawman being erected out there in low carb land -- this notion that somehow these 100 Calorie Packs are "healthy".   This is absurd, IMO.  I don't know a single person, regardless of dietary philosophy who believes that taking any food and repackaging it into 100 calorie portions will alter it's inherent healthfulness in any way.  And certainly if someone has an imperative reason for avoiding an ingredient (e.g. celiacs), there's no such thing as "moderation".  But even Dr. Rosedale says that he'll eat bread from time to time, although he's quite a bit more dramatic in what he considers the risk to his longevity to be.  If anything, packaging some of these snacks into 100 calorie portions is somewhat of an admission that they may not be all that healthy (so does that also apply to the almonds?) in portions one is likely to consume from a "Party size" bag of the stuff.  The point behind these things, that somehow the LC community seems to miss, is that the portion size is pre-measured in a nice round small calorie amount.  If you have issues with portion control, they can be a good thing.  Also, I'm sure there are lots of singles in my audience.  If you buy a whole large bag of chips, it's eat them or they go stale, I don't care how good the chip clip is.  Now, I prefer the little lunch-size packs if I'm going to eat this stuff, but it's all about finding ways to enjoy whatever it is you're doing without going overboard.  
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