Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Well, I Better Inform You Guys

Dr. Glenn Reynolds was kind enough to make mention of my book, Worthless on Instapundit.

And better yet, his wife was kind enough to write a review. To add icing to this cake, she titles it with light saber sharpness:

"Are Liberal Arts Colleges Becoming Finishing Schools for Women?"

Hooo hooo!!!!

Because of their linkage my book has gone from an Amazon rank of 60,000-ish to 31,000-ish, to now 2,000-ish (Mythical Cassandra has been keeping me updated). And sales thus far will afford me this nice scoped AR-15 I have my eye on.

Regardless, understand Instapundit is kind of like the conservative/libertarian version of Oprah's book club. It's the best you can hope for in this realm and is a very-welcomed bit of good news in the ole Captain's life.

I now of course have dreams of this mention creating kind of a bomb-hitting-the-magazine-in-a-ship type of chain reaction effect. People will forward to other people, all of NRO's authors will read it and want interviews, Dr. Walter E Williams will invite me over for martinis and basketball, Drudge will list it at the top of his web site, and Rush Limbaugh will invite me over for a round of golf...which I don't play...so I'll be his caddy or something. Oh! And I want hot Foxnews Babes to request me that I teach them how to salsa dance. Preferably Leeane Tweeden, but I'm not picky.

Now, I know all of my readers. You're all rough and tumble type yahoos, and you all like to shoot the old Captain a couple barbs his way in loving jesting fun. But just let me dream for now of becoming the next Vince Flynn wherein the Rumpie flows freely, motorcycles are on the cheap, Stugis is open year-round, and I can make fossil hunting my day time job....well, that or at least I'll be able to get that scoped AR 15.

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