Friday, July 16, 2010

Pixies Fart Prairie Dogs in Brigadoon

From a reader;

Meh. I'm still holding my stock in the real PBR, Pabst Blue Ribbon. We are so far away from any possibility of pulling out of this that beer is what is called for.

I notice that Candi of "Learn To Dance" is wearing the Michelle Obama Oil Spill frock.

Meanwhile, on the beach at the Gulf, yesterday, when the inevitable subject came up, I tried to explain that drilling off the (most of the) Florida coast could not be compared to drilling off the tip of the Panhandle, or the western Gulf; the Eastern Gulf (Florida) is mostly natural gas. There's some really heavy, unprofitable liquid petroleum being pumped from an area near Fort Myers, but we just don't have the light crude found off TX, LA, MS, and AL.

Doesn't matter. You might as well say, "Pixies fart Prarie Dogs in Brigadoon," when talking, even to reasonably well-educated people.

This, in Florida, where reasonably well-educated people should have memories that extend back 5 years, when the natural gas pipelines feeding most of our power plants from Louisiana went off line, due to Katrina. We had to barge in coal like maniacs just to try to keep up. Everybody's power bills jumped up. Nobody remembers.

Florida has 25 percent of the nation's natural gas reserves (which is double the Gulf's crude oil reserves, in barrel-of-oil equivalents), just sitting out there and we can't access it; we have to pipe it in from elsewhere.

At this time, I plan on sticking with beer to bleerily get through this period of national insanity.

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