Monday, November 12, 2012

Insanity vs. 30 Days of Discipline

I am by no means a workout buff.  However, you know the ole Captain is a strong advocate of working out and maintaining your physique.  This is not only a requirement to be able to attract women, but it is also a MANDATORY requirement on your part if you are dating/married to a significant other and demand she remain physically attractive as well. 

Of course, I view everything through the lens of economics and so I am looking for the most effective and efficient workout regimen.  I've tried many things and intend on trying others, but today I wanted to quickly review the "Insanity" workout vs. Victor Pride's "30 Days of Discipline."

I started Insanity precisely a month ago.  I did the first month, took all the measurements, did all the math and the results were very impressive.

What I mean by "the results were very impressive" is the number of exercises I did during my "fitness test" at the beginning of Insanity increased quite dramatically.  I nearly doubled the number of "leg slappers," "hip flexers," "high knee thingies" and all the other crap you test on. 

Only one problem.

I didn't look any better naked and nobody cares about how many "knee slappers" you do.

I'm sure my cardio improved.  I'm sure my heart rate and blood pressure improved, but there was not ONE SINGLE visual improvement.  And this INCLUDED a STRICT change in my diet (for the better).

I was pissed frankly because the workouts are hard and demanding.  I put a lot of effort into it AND made sure I maxed out all the time.  I was CERTAIN I would start to look ripped, or at least toned, but as I looked in the mirror, NOTHING.

It dawned on me that the vast majority of Insanity is for weight loss and toning your legs/butt.  Probably great for women, but not for already skinny guys looking to build up muscle.

So I switched back to arguably the simplest work out regimen I've ever done and that is Victor Pride's 30 Days of Discipline

The work out is very simple:

100 push ups a day
100 sit ups a day
100 crunches a day

Admittedly I had some carry over from when I last did Victor's work out as well as a rather intense jiujitsu training, so I was able to start knocking out 85-90 push ups in one shot, but soon I was back to 100 in a row.  The results immediately start to visually show. 

I spoke with Victor and asked him, basically, WTF?

He said Insanity, though insane and great for cardio, is just yet another fad workout regimen that aims to be marketable to a large audience, but not specific individuals.

This makes sense because a 150 pound guy obviously has different goals than a 200 pound girl.  But that considered, I'm still quite impressed with the efficiency of 30 Days of Discipline.  Insanity workouts last about 40-45 minutes, 60 if you get to the second month.  30 Days of Discipline, after you get proficient at it, only takes about 15-20 minutes and you're not dying.  Throw in a nice 5 mile jog and you're not on the verge of puking (like Insanity), but you're feeling good and enjoying your work out.

I will be starting P90X next, but I fear what Victor said is going to simply apply again.  Until that time though, however, I strongly recommend Victor's 30 Days of Discipline.

He did not pay me to write this.

I'm not doing this out of a favor to him.

I'm writing this because I don't want any of you poor SOB's to go through the hell I did with Insanity when there's a hell of an easier and more effective work out!

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