Monday, June 11, 2012

Fathers "Optional"

I know the skin of the drum is pretty worn out, but I'm going to say it again as long as idiocy like this continues:

Children need fathers (and to be intellectually honest, mothers).  If you bring children into the world without one (mother or father), you are the epitome of selfish.  You are putting yourself and your own greedy desires to have children ahead of the children you so wish to bring into this world.  You really don't care about the child, you care about HAVING a child like "having" an SUV or "having" a manicure.  A physical item that is nothing more than a thing to you, not a human being.

Now I know that finding "the perfect man" (emphasis on "perfect," not "good") is quite a bothersome chore, and besides, "the lord will provide" one anyway, so you don't have to worry about it, but it is my humble prediction the young (and now, not-so-young ladies) will come to rue their decision to go it alone and become a "choice mom."  First, I believe they will COMPLETELY underestimate how much it takes to rear and bring up a child.  Both in terms of finances and labor.  They will get into the ring with a the little tyke and soon realize they really do need a tag-team partner to wrestle the challenge of bringing up a kid.  Second,  I also predict they will not realize until it's too late just how severely they've torpedoed their chances of finding a guy in the future.  It's one thing if you're a widow.  That would hardly faze a man if you're looking to date, if anything it would beget pity.  It's even one thing if you're divorced with one kid with one ex-husband.  I'll even say it's "one thing" if you have multiple kids from multiple dads.  But if you had a kid purposely with no intention of ever having a father you might as well claim you have Ebola, are a manic depressive and are prone to bouts of physical violence.  That will send any quality men SCREAMING in a mad dash away from you.

I'm not expecting things to change.  The importance of fathers and husbands have so been dwindled, and the "nobility" and "heroism" of single-motherhood (however it comes about) so championed it's no shock the "non-marrieds" are piling up.  I just have one question to ask about a missing variable in this entire equation-

won't somebody please think of the chilllllldreeeeennnnn?

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