Thursday, July 21, 2011

How Could This Happen in Norway?

Hey, liberals, one of you explain to me how this could happen in the most placating, pacifist, socialist utopia you all claim to be the pinnacle of socio-economics?

This is what happens when you no longer let men be men, try to feminize them and make them women, punish and criminalize male behavior, betray your own men for the pursuit of feminism and lofty marxist and pacifist goals and replacing men with the state, and then try to placate your enemies by embracing diversity at all costs

Oh, and on a side note, HOW COULD THERE BE SHOOTINGS IN NORWAY? Guns are banned!

Obviously a mistake the media made. Must have been a clubbing or a spearing. Because you know, guns are outlawed in Norway.

Enjoy the Norwegian decline!

POST POST - As, despite claims of various Islamic groups to take responsibility for this attack which prompted me to this post, evidence is showing it is a crazed-nut-job Norwegian national who is to blame for these attacks. I offer a full rescindication of this post and will leave this post up as intellectual honesty and evidence I am wrong every once in a while. Let me know when my leftist counterparts offer something similar or if the main stream media does such a thing.

See how simple that was MSM? You see, when you're wrong, you ADMIT IT. Unlike this.

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