Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Return of Malthus

I'm a very efficient man. I don't like to waste time. And the reason I don't like to waste time is because I know I'm going to die. You only have a certain amount of seconds on this planet and if I can convey a concept quickly without much dialouge or ballyhoo, then so be it. I save myself time and my readers time.

So the concept (the quick concept) I want to convey to you is the theories of Thomas Malthus, an economist who specialized in the field of "limits." His particular specialty in this field was predicting the doom of man due to humans' ability to produce enough food to feed the population. He predicted, much like the fruit fly experiment we all did in high school, that we would produce enough food to cause a burst in population which would only be doomed to starvation as we produced beyond our means of nutritional support.

He was proven wrong in that advances in farming technology yielded more crops per acre that ever previously imagined possible and made starvation (at least in civilized countries) a thing of the past.

However, Malthus is not dead in that his theories will apply to our most recent economic crisis. Not so much in the way of farmers being able to produce enough crops to feed the nation, but rather producers producing enough wealth to feed the parasites.

In light of the record amount of debt the US has accumulated, along with the welfare bum, suburbanite princess entitlement mentality, subprime deadbeats, mortgage brokers, Madoff's, and oh, and this whole minor recession thing, I think we are at a turning point where a critical mass of the population is dependent. I know the term "dependent" is not an inciting nor exciting term, but it should be, because it means those who are "dependent" rely, or as I cynically, yet truthfully like to say, parasite upon others.

If you are dependent, then that means you're not independent. It means by default you rely on other people to carry your dead, fat weight in this economy (just like Caroline Kennedy). And whereas Malthus' concern was food production, mine is just pure simple economic production.

Though I have not run the figures, the macro-figures being posted about bailouts, as well as our cornerstone institutions showing themselves to be nothing more than parasites upon the masses, I think that there literally is not enough producers in this country to produce enough wealth to support all the people in the nation. And given the recent election of Barack Obama and his forever increasing amounts of stimulus spending, it not only convinces me the country is not serious (nor educated enough) about getting out of this recession, as much as they are about getting theirs and transferring as much wealth to themselves off this dead rotting carcass known as America. The only question I ask "where is all this money going to come from?"

Of course I ask myself the question rhetorically.

Socialists in congress combined with comrade Obama have eliminated any incentive to excel and produce the wealth necessary to bail out this economy (and I mean really bailout as in REAL economic production, not just transferring money and calling it a bailout, I mean like our problems would be over bailout). Obama and his socialist democrat ilk have done nothing more than promise to transfer wealth from one group of people to another to bribe the recipients into voting for them. Ergo, no real consideration has ever been given to how to actually increase the production of wealth as much as it has been to use a transference of existing (and dwindling) wealth for political purposes. Of course there are obvious shortcomings of this politicking;

1. With taxes going up on the rich (or as I like to say the "productive" or "employers") what incentive will the have to invest/create jobs here.

2. With wealth transfers what incentive with the burgeoning recipients have to get off their lazy, fat welfare asses and produce some kind of wealth (let alone enough to support them?)

I'm sorry folks. I know you like to believe that "America will always pull through." Or that if you "pray enough" God will save America like he always has. Sadly, the truth is nobody puts this country ahead of themselves and when you have a certain "critical percentage" of the population nothing more than a bunch of whinny, self-entitled, spoiled brat "Barack save me now" socialist parasites, your country is doomed.

Malthus will be vindicated. The trick is to not be around when it happens.

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