Tuesday, June 10, 2008

There's Nothing Wrong With To Do Lists

The same girl that criticized me about ripping tags out of my shirt has now mocked me for my to do list.

Thus warranting the economic lesson about the merits of to do lists.

See, previous to "to do lists" people didn't know what to do. They were just standing around. Doing nothing. A lot like France. And then, an ingenious human came up with the idea to do things and thus composed the first to do list in the history of man.

He, along with other humans, started doing the things that were listed on the to do list. And thus production and GDP ensued and soon they were driving cars, brewing beer, programming video games and raising dachshunds. Yes, all the great things in life emanating from that first to do list.

Therefore, (on a more serious note) I am a big believer in to do lists. Much more gets done, more efficiency ensues, life gets easier and in general you are typically wealthier. I often opine what the economic consequences would be if society in general got into the good habits of putting together to do lists...heck I often opine what would happen to GDP production if women started dressing like Sophia Loren did back in the 40's. But, regardless, I would not be surprised if it resulted in a full 1-1.5% additional boost in economic growth. That translates into $140 -$210 billion in extra production.

Ahhh, but what a stupid idea. Like something as simple as to do lists would have any real economic consequence. Kind of like a "point and click interface" that would get rid of the need to know DOS.

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