Friday, June 6, 2008

Hey, Do You Want to Get Depressed?

Here's something to forward to all your friends to put them in a bad mood. How much of GDP we can expect to drop on social security and medicare in the coming years.

You see, social security is thought to be the one that will break the financial back of the US, but it is medicare that will bankrupt the nation. Going from just 3% of GDP today, it will grow to 11% by 2080. Social security will only grow to 6% GDP. We'll be spending nearly 17% of our incomes on keeping people alive for another 2-3 years. Of course this will be my generation, but the truth is I don't want to impoverish some poor working kid by foisting a 17% tax burden on them. Pull the plugs, I don't need viagra (or its 2080 equivalent) and I sure am hell not going to insist younger generations keep me alive a paltry extra 6 months if it costs them $1 million in medical bills to do so.

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