Thursday, April 2, 2009

Student Loans

Where do I begin with this?

Sam is a recent college graduate who is complaining about having to pay back his college loans. Of course, it is his right to complain, but when you read the article you basically find out that Sam went to a private school he couldn't afford, racked up $115,000 in debt and on top of it majored in a subject that was going to be low paying. Ergo, my thoughts are as follows and I quote;

1. Sam is a freaking moron. WHAT THE EF DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN SAM????? No doubt you majored in some worthless freaking subject like sociology or art or some other worthless crap AND RACKED UP $115,000 of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY SAM to pay for it. Did you bother to do some simple math to figure that you wouldn't be able to pay it back? Or was it not even a consideration because you "wanted" to major in crap and therefore all else didn't matter. Which brings me to point 2;

2. Sam is your typical Gen Y greedy, spoiled bitch. How typical of my generation and the (impossible to imagine, but seemingly true) more spoiled Gen Y. "It doesn't matter what reality is, I WANT to major in bunnies and ice cream and cake. AND I WANT YOU TO PAY FOR IT!" Sam thinks he's entitled to a college experience where he gets to strum is acoustic guitar while getting drunk and majoring in a subject that IS A HOBBY and NOT A CAREER CHOICE THAT WILL HELP HIM PAY BACK WHAT HE OWES!

3. Sam, despite being 23, is still a child. To quote him; "Does that mean that I chose to live a life of struggle, wondering how I am going to pay my rent, afford the basics of living and still stay in my chosen career field…all while putting up with high interest rates and an amount of debt that brings me to tears?" Yes Sam, you snivilling little brat, it does. You see, it's called "reality." When you do something stupid, you get to pay the consequences. Oh, but wait, let me guess, you're going to be like all the other sub prime deatbeats out there and corrupt, parasitic bankers out there and DEMAND I bail your worthless, pathetic ass out.

4. Sam is the poster child for "The Mystery." Read the whole thing because it is freaking genius on my part.

5. Sam did not study economics; You see Sam, when little cry babies like you take the money people have lent you and NOT PAY IT BACK, then people are going to be less likely to lend money to students as a whole in the future. This decreases the amount of money supplied which increases its cost, the interest rate. Not only that it makes it harder for REAL students who might major in something that WOULD ACTUALLY HELP ADVANCE THE EFFING COUNTRY get financing for their education. Oh, but then again, it isn't about doing what's right, is it Sam? It's all about your galactically incomprehensible level of ignorance and selfishness.

6. Sam is NOT a REAL man. He is an emasculated childish girl. "brings me to tears?" Oh, somebody make it so I can find this putz in a dark alley. The good news is this coward will never, AND I MEAN NEVER find a hot babe to even glance his way. If he thinks it's tough now, boy, wait till unemployment hits 11%. Sam, just do me a favor, try to keep your tears out of my food when you ask "Do you want fries with that?" That is of course you don't go back to live with your mommy and daddy and have mom tuck you in at night and get you your bottle. Whooozeda mommies wittle boy? Whooozedamommieswittleboy? Yes you are! Yes you are! Youz iz mommies' wittle philosophy major. Yessyouz are! Yesyouzare!!!!


7. It is the Sams of the world that will bring about the collapse of America and the fact this even gets play and is treated like a real problem by CNfreakingN only shows you how corrupt, ignorant and brainwashed the masses are and why Sam is NOT just one fruit loop out on the east coast. Oh, sure, I know the Captain isn't a nice man. He's a mean man. An insulting man. A man that hurts people's feelings and displays anger and rage. But let me ask you one question;

Who would you rather have leading the country? The likes of the hate-filled Captain or the Pansified Sams of the world?

ht to GOldwater

Update! - Another snivling whinner.

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