Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is Flo Hot, or I'm I Just Crazy?

OK, Flo. Stephanie Courtney, from the Progressive commercials.

There is a raging debate in the Captain's social circles about whether she is hot or not.

There are two adamant camps;

Camp 1. Flo is a floosy dumbass bimbo etc. etc., makes men happy, blah blah blah, I hate her blah blah blah, stupid byatch blah blah blah, probably does what makes men happy, blah blah blah slut blah blah blah.

Camp 2. Oh my freaking god, get her into the June Ward apron and heels and nothing else NOW and I will so violate all my morals and integrity to do whatever I can to her.

I am unashamedly in camp #2.

I'm sorry, she is freaking hot. That vintage 1950's lipstick and raven haired beauty had me at "hello."

Now I get guff for this because my colleagues think she is nothing spectacular. That I am a freak for longing to have her in a "manly fashion" in that corporate closet (oh yeah, you know the one I mean, the one nobody checks on and has no files in it but is still on corporate grounds).

Regardless, anybody else out there with me here on this one?

In the meantime, BUY MY BOOK! DO IT NOW!!! Flo would SOOOOO endorse my book!

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