Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When Markets Clear

There is a dance joint in Minneapolis called "First Avenue." And in all seriousness it is one of the best dance halls I've been to in America. One of the longest running, it's been consistently open as long as I've been here. But the last time I went there I was about 25, maybe even 24. And the reason is that when you go to the clubs you are intending to meet a girl. Ironically, or perhaps even smartly, women are there to get free drinks, not meet a guy. And you realize this by the age of about 24 - 25 and then you just stop going out to the Boomchicaboom Bars.

What's ironic though is that my friends of the female persuasion still want to go to the Boomchicaboom Bars and "party." Whilst my male friends and more refined female friends want to "go to a jazz club" or "sit and smoke a cigar" or something less painful than the Boomchicaboom bars like smashing our toes with a sledgehammer. It was only by accident that I ended up at First Avenue this past year when we all decided to go to their late night salsa dance, where at the old age of 32 I "closed down the joint." That being said there was some culture there, being salsa dancing, not just loud obnoxious music and girls hitting me up for drinks.

Regardless, what ends up happening is that boys and girls become men and women and leave the bar scene and instead just stay home, fall asleep, play video games or go elsewhere. Some roving band of women may go back to whoop it up like they did in their college days and "party" but for the most part you're not going to see any man over 30 at any of these places. The market has cleared and there is no more trading at that 27 + something level.

I was trying to explain this to my female friends that were complaining there aren't just any men their age out partying anymore, until I came across this.

Thank you 'Least I Could Do' for making my job of explaining things a lot easier.

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