Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I Are Sick

Sorry for the lack of posts Captain Capitalismites, but I haven't been this sick in a while. And maybe some of you medical capitalists out there can explain to me that when I get sick why do all my dreams revert to dreaming about solving mathematical or physical riddles and repetitiously. Almost as if your brain is trying to figure out the DNA code of the virus you got.

In any case I am also working on that book, which is 14 chapters out of 22 done. Many thanks to Bucktown for his help.

Regardless, I am sick and in being sick you cannot contribute to GDP. But I was glad to see Americans, true to their work-avoiding form, decided that despite a housing crash and an impending social security crisis we've now reverted to credit cards to maintain our consumption (without any additional production).

And you wonder why the dollar is tanking

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