Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another Nail On the Coffin

I was wondering if there are any people still out there that believe it's "big oil" that is controlling prices and exploiting we poor Americans or if the cold hard facts and realities of economics is finally starting to permeate into the American psyche and people are starting to look at who really owns the oil, who produces and, and maybe even launched investigations into how these two things called "supply" and "demand" have an effect on the price of oil.

But just in case you're still running into the sophomores in college who with their professor-instilled new-found knowledge are going to continue to tell you that it's all a conspiracy man and the oil companies are working together to keep us down, here is another little tidbit that should help you quelch those little brats up;

May favorite is when you have them dead to rights and they still try to defend their original position.

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