Friday, October 6, 2006

Won't Somebody PLEASE Think of the Children?!

My favorite mantra to come from the 60's generation is "won't somebody think of the children."

Parading children around as an excuse to allocate resources to a whole bevy of programs. Demanding more money be spent on the children. Because we care for the children. And if you don't transfer wealth to the poor for the sake of the children, then you're a very very BAD PERSON!

Well, my question to you is, yeah, why won't somebody think of the children? It's one thing to say it, it's another thing to mean it.

Never has such a generation failed in their stewardship of future generations.

So you can only imagine my blood pressure when Ben Bernanke, who you know, is kind of a smart guy. Might know what he's talking about, being the head of the Federal Reserve and all gave a speech about the black and white realities of social security and medicare.

Juxtapose this speech with the latest in savings rates which would be a barometer of just how much people care about the children in that they'd be saving for their retirement so that future generations don't have to pay for their retirement;

Enough to drive a man to drink.

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