Friday, February 18, 2011

Liars, Cheats and Teacher's Unions

I shall be short and sweet with this because it is that simple.

In the many articles you can find about the Madison protests, of all that is insulting and angers me the most is when I hear the various unions, protesters and teachers say, "We're fighting for democracy."

No you aren't.

Democracy is where the majority rules.

You are by default tyrants and oppressors.

The majority of the population in Wisconsin has voted in Republicans and, among other things, they are going to reel back what is frankly huge overpayment to a corrupt union. Fighting against it, to the point cowards flee from their responsibility to "hide" is the DEFINITION of TYRANNY. Of course these corrupt officials and the idiot protesters who support them, frankly do not have the maturity or intellectual honesty to adhere to democracy.

Additionally, I will post two charts that should be in every state capitol and in the hands of every state legislator and every governor, so please feel free to send them. They are for Minnesota, but I'm quite sure the statistics would hold for any state;

Do not tell me you need more money or that it's horrible you have to pay for your own damn pensions.

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