Monday, November 29, 2010

I Found This on the Floor of a Public School

Though I don't like to admit it (for it is charitable and therefore commie in nature), I do seminars at a local high school to teach juniors and seniors about various aspects of personal financial management. You know, simple things like 401k's, retirement, how you should pay for college, budgeting, etc., meaningful stuff that would actually help them in the real world unlike "Psychology" or "Peace Studies" or the bevy of "requisite" classes they force down these poor kids' throats to graduate.

Regardless, neither here nor there, it was a later seminar and by the time I packed up my LCD projector, I left the classroom and the school was deserted. I'm sure a janitor was on the grounds somewhere, but I could tell I was all of 3 people on the entire campus. And off in the corner of my vision I noticed a sole piece of paper laying on the ground that somehow didn't get swept up. So I walked over to where the paper was and picked it up.

It was a report of LBJ. I decided to keep it, bring it home, scan it in and then share it with you guys.

Now I used to substitute teach and I used to teach college econ, but I learned a long time ago, where the student has the ability and just chooses not to use it or if that student is a genuine idiot, it doesn't matter, you have to deal with the effective reality of their work.

Sadly, this is the generation I'm relying upon to produce the wealth to pay for my social security.


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