Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why China Will Dominate Over the US

I love stories like this in that THIS was what the US USED TO DO.

We'd just do it.

Hoover Dam.

Horseshoe Dam.

The Interstate system.

You name it.

We wanted to build it, and BAAMM!!! There it was!

But now, good luck trying to even get windmills up with all the environmental regulations, not to mention protests by groups like Greenpeace or the Sierra Club. Heck, Minnesota is just trying to get a much needed bridge across the St. Croix. A whopping 1/2 mile long and the Sierra Club has held it up for the past 10 years forcing everybody in the eastern metro to wait cumulatively decades worth of human time in traffic. We can't even get a 1/2 mile bridge up, while the Chinese in a paleo-American way "just do it" with a bridge 60 times as long!

Ah, and you wonder why economic growth is decreasing over time.

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