Sunday, December 6, 2009

When The Queen Bee In Your Life Has An Emotional Meltdown- For The Men

OK boys we talked about "Queen Bees & The Men That Love Them" Here. Let's see a real life example of when your very own Queen Bee has an Emotional Meltdown, more commonly known as a "Bitch Fit"

This is what can and does happen if you forget to phone your Queen Bee during your holiday, bath, work lunch, meeting, or sleep.

She expects you to be on "standby" 24/7 , 365 days of the year. Don't forget if you don't text her, email her, phone her or construct a billboard in her honour, she will call your friends, mum, dad, grandma, or ex wife, and scream obscenities in their ear.

Failing that she will send you emails to try and make you jealous, imagine you are on another continent, in the bath, in a meeting or asleep. She will message you to let you know she's met a guy who bought her a drink or flirted with her, or asked her out" this is designed to force you to become more "responsive" , angry and jealous. Basically how a 5 year old behaves when told "NO"

She will also sleep with someone else in less than 5 days (See video it really does happen guys) and will finally spill the truth about your relationship and how she hated your friends/mother/job/you/likes and dislikes, then take it all back once she has realized her error. Oops, but by then it's too late (Thank God) the beast has been released and you will finally discover not who you are dating but "what" you are dating and it ain't pretty.

This particular Queen Bee knew he was on holiday , however Queen Bees will only hear what they want to hear, this is called "Selective Hearing" ....why?

.....Drama = Attention (did you not learn anything from this?)

When you are in a relationship with a Queen Bee, you have NO life, you exist to appease, placate and serve, remember this.

Watch in the video as this Queen Bee turns from an angel into a hideous, spitting beast.

Do NOT mistake her pathology for passion, once you experience the "Bitch Fit" you will need a holiday to get over it. It's THAT explosive!

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