Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wisdom from Across the Fruited Plain

I was going to guess "retired state worker living in a luxury area, completely oblivious to the economic realities real productive workers are suffer to pay her bloated and undeserved pension." But that's just me.

How sausage gets made. The children (and I don't say this lightly) should really be thankful of what the bloggersphere and manosphere have done for them. The wisdom out there, but more importantly, the facts we have brought to light should pave the way for a better future. The only problem is most youth today are morons.

Today's word of the day is "Grass widow."

You all remember Frank! go visit him for some post 2011 cheer.

But in the end, no matter how many freebies they get from the government, the government cannot provide women what they want in the end. And that is a loving husband to have "rocking chair time" with. And if you think women in their 30's-50's are angry now about "where have all the real men gone" imagine when they get paper cuts trying to extrapolate a kiss from their government check whilst in the nursing home. I'm sure they'll have nice long conversations with their government checks, talking about the olden days. And let's not forget all the fatherless kids that can sit around the fire at Christmas, asking the check to tell them a story or impart some wisdom. Thank god we outsourced fathers and husbands.

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