Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Affirmative Action President

It was, coming up on about 8 years ago that the US was coming out of our last recession, the Dotcom Bubble.

And I recall VERY starkly and clearly howls and jeers on the left that it was the "worst economy in 50 years" when;

1. It obviously wasn't
2. It wasn't even an official recession.

Regardless, this did not stop the left from defining "intellectual dishonesty" as they blamed Bush for the country's woes AND when the country DID start finally posting positive GDP growth figures, COMPLAINED IT WASN'T FAST ENOUGH. That it was the "slowest recovery" in the history of recessions.

Now I have one...



for those on the left;

Will you hold Barack Obama to the same inferno when the economy recovers at an even slower pace than the economy did under Bush circa 2000-2001?

I already know the answer, no you won't, because for the most part you are;


intellectually dishonest

and care more about the socialist ideology than anything slightly resembling giving a damn about economic reality and getting the economy genuinely growing again.

Ergo, I am going to make a prediction.

The economy is not going to recover as we all hope it will. We will not be seeing "6% RGDP growth figures" in the next decade. No, we're going to suffer a very L-shaped recession like Japan did and GDP growth will never exceed 1% positive, not even enough to keep up with population growth.

However, the veritable whores in the mainstream media are going to sing the praises of Obama and the democrats the NANO-SECOND GDP growth turns positive. It doesn't have to be 3%. It doesn't have to be 1%. It just can be a fraction of a percent in positive territory. .2%.

And instead of berating and lambasting Obama for sclerotic growth like they did Bush all of 8 years ago, they will cheer and give him accolades, praising how the "Messiah" steered the US out of recession and put them on the vanguard of massive economic growth. Despite his obvious failure, they will hold him to a new and lower standard, effectively making him the first "Affirmative Action President."

Now I say the "first Affirmative Action President" not because he is black, but because he is a leftist and (this is key, so grab your pencils and paper because the Captain is about to make a very important point), the left is MORE concerned about the socialist ideology than reality. They are more concerned about maintaining power than they are the rest of society. They put themselves and their beliefs AHEAD of the country just like some religious zealots have no problem putting their religion ahead of your own life if you don't agree with them and will find nothing wrong with bombing you for it. And rather than admit that in reality, economic growth is pathetic, they will CHANGE the definition of "reality" by changing the definition of success.

You see, "success" under George Bush would have to be 12% RGDP growth IMMEDIATELY and presumably butler monkeys for all. And I could even see some democrats complaining that wouldn't be enough.

However, "success" under Obama is incredibly dumbed down to standards that even a spoiled brat, trust fund elitist from Chicago can achieve. Not because the left wishes to make him feel good or because they're concerned Obama's feelings might be hurt if he doesn't "succeed," but because he "must" succeed otherwise the masses will see that he (and socialism) has failed. And once the masses realize that, those same leftists now have to (dun dun dunnnn!!!!)



And that, my friends, is what they're really afraid of.

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