Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Captain is Victorious

I spent $60 on an out of state fishing license for South Dakota.

My economist mind went to work and after pricing fillets of fish at the local supermarket, I figured I would need to catch 7.5 sizeable fish to fillet them and earn back the savings to pay for my fishing license.

Of course I haven't caught a damn fish worth filleting, but the old adage is true;

"Unlucky in fishing, lucky in Fairburn Agate hunting."

Fairburn agates, as they call them, are South Dakota's state rock. Seemingly "nothing exciting" to the untrained eye, their intricate patterns is what makes them quite valuable in the gem world. I wouldn't have even considered them gems, but given their prices range from anywhere from $20 for El Crapo ones to $40,000 for the more insanely rare ones, they are a more profitable venture than trying to pan for gold.

In any case, your Captain has been victorious in his hunt for Fairburn Agates. Found three of them today!

Now, I know, I know. All the cappy cap girls MUST learn to control themselves, because not only is your dear Captain an accomplished fossil hunter, tornado chaser, economist, video game player AND ballroom, dancer, he is now a successful FAIRBURN AGATE HUNTER.

You may swoon now.

Sadly only 48 more hours of vacation, and then a SLOW, ENJOYABLE trip back to the communist, Al Franken, Crocus Pot Smoking Hippie Hill, POS land known as Minnesota.

Yea, more taxes and spoiled brat suburbanite children who go to Carleton. Yea.

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