Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Federal Budget as a Percent of GDP

Given the talk about the nearly $1 trillion bailout, I took it upon myself to recalculate one of my favorite measures, government expenditures as a percent of GDP.

I like this chart in that if there is one simple chart that shows you we are heading for socialism and that Obama and the democrats are indeed socialists, this is it. Imagine, it was in 1900 that the US government only taxed us at a 2.5% rate. Then, after each successive war, the government has found it necessary to boost its take of economy to today, where including Obama's bailout, I estimate the federal government ALONE will take 30% of GDP in 2009.

Of course, this does not include state and local governments' take of GDP which now certainly pushes it above 50% in some states and makes it impossible to argue that Obama is anything but a socialist. You throw in nationalized health care and lord knows what else, and the US and its history of capitalism are quite simply over. And that is not hyperbole or rhetoric, that's just the sad simple truth.

Enjoy the socialism comrade! And don't say I didn't warn you.

Oh, and buy the book already damnit!

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