Wednesday, April 9, 2008

You Too Can Have an Exciting Career in Medical Transcriptioning!

I used to teach at community colleges. And basically they're just diploma mills that take you in, feign giving you some kind of education, you pay them money, and they give you a degree. It's that simple.

Sadly for the kids that go there, they actually think they're going to actually get a high paying job out of "college." And thus you see careers during day time TV that you just know there is something unethical or wrong about them;

"Does your life suck??? Then get a degree in the exciting field of medical transcriptioning!"

"Do you have no life??? Then join the exciting field of veterinarian assistant animal feces picker upper!"

And the reason this particularly angers me is that these schools are targeting kids that for the most part are disadvantaged to begin with. Poor kids from poor families (not to sound like a commie) that might be susceptible to some kind of "get rich quick" scheme that these schools portend.

The problem however I think is even more widespread than we think. It's not just unemployed people watching the commercials for Jerry Springer. But we lower the standards for pretty much every student or young person out there. There is no longer the big push for engineering and the sciences that we had in the 1950's and largely brought about and maintained American superiority in the world. Now we're pushing sociology, philosophy. And wow, you want to become an artist?! ME TOO!! I'm studying art at the university.


Don't you just practice it or have a talent for it? What does getting a degree do for you aside from make you poorer and make professors, who obviously weren't good artists otherwise they wouldn't be teaching it, richer?

And though if you get a masters in psychology you can make money, and though if you get a degree in education, and actually majored in education because you care about kids (not because it was an easy major) you will do some good, it still angers me when I see on my e-mail login page to see advertisements that just assume you are not capable of engineering, or physics, or calculus, or chemistry.

Perhaps an old school 1950's style push for engineering and computers would do the US some good.

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