Monday, May 8, 2006

The Canucks Are Coming!

Normally when you think of Canada, you think of inferior baseball teams, inferior hockey teams, great snipers, Conan O'Brien, "Strange Brew" and...umm....Brad.

But it seems the Canadians are kicking their southern neighbor's ass in one regard; trade.

Not that I have seen much statistics on the Canadian consumer, but I'd surmise they are a bit more fiscally responsible than their southern American counterparts. That and with the run up in commodity prices, their western provinces have (high time) been kicking the eastern provinces' asses.

They are also kicking the US' ass in trade and it is reflected in our exchange rate.

And I can only surmise what would happen when they manage to get that oil out of their sands there for under $90/ barrel.

Regardless, fishermen and hockey players may give way to future oil barrons and currency raiders, eh?

(future oil barrons?)

(Currency raiders at the gates?)

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