Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Fat Americans

Critique our lefter leaning European socialists as I may, but I will admit one thing;

They're in better shape than us.

Heck, most of the world is in better shape than us.

I go to the gas station only to see some fat sow with an arm-load of candy and junk food in her hands drop more on fattening foods (and cigarettes and lottery tickets) than she did on gas.

And their male counterparts, sitting their with their beer in their hands, watching football, don't redeem the men either.

Sad, because you'd think one of the finer pleasures in life is being physically attractive to somebody so you can have wild crazy hot greasy monkey sex.

(From The Economist's The World in 2006, get a freaking subscription already)

Perhaps eating is more enjoyable than sex...though I've yet to have a Chipotle fajita that is that good.

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